What happens at a PAC meeting?

Meetings typically include an update from Ms. Jaggi (school principal), an update on the PAC finances, and discussion of upcoming events and any other topics parents want to discuss.

We are friendly and informal, but we do make sure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and contribute their ideas, and that decisions are made in a fair and consistent way.

Meeting Schedule for 2024/2025

Meetings are the first Monday of the month (unless it is a stat holiday) at 7pm. We have some meetings in person (in the school library) and some meetings online on Zoom. Meetings typically last 1-1.5 hours. Reminders and Zoom links are sent in Ms. Jaggi’s weekly email.

Meeting Dates

September 9th - in person

October 7th - online

November 4th - in person

December 2nd - online

January 6th - online (first day back after winter break)

February 3rd - in person

March 3rd - online

April 7th - in person

May 5th - online

June 2nd - in person (Annual General Meeting)

Minutes from past meetings can be found here:
